Product Description
It will tell you..
What dyslexia is and describe the latest scientific research in plain simple English.
How to better understand your child’s individual differences, including their learning strengths and weaknesses.
How to talk to teachers, choose the right school and get a support system in place.
How to help your child to regain their confidence and their self-esteem.
Why your child can look forward to a happy and successful future.
This book is written by Liz Dunoon; teacher, mother to three dyslexic children, author, researcher, editor of Dyslexia Daily, presenter and advisor to government, schools and parents.

“Discover new solutions for children with dyslexia. Liz Dunoon’s book, explains it simply, provides a comprehensive plan of action and will help to ensure a successful future for your child”.
Prof. John Stein, FRCP, World leading dyslexia expert, Chairman of The Dyslexia Research Trust, Oxford University, UK
“Starting school was a confusing and bewildering time for our youngest son who struggled to learn to read. Being highly capable and intelligent we had no idea why this was occurring or how to help him. Liz Dunoon’s book Helping Children With Dyslexia gave us the knowledge and strategies we were seeking. He has advanced through his reading levels, now equals some of the top readers in his class and is happy and confident at school. We can’t thank you enough.”
Ruth Rutch, Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia
“A bible for every parent of a dyslexic child. For me this book confirms you can never give up on your child’s education, only you can protect them, no one else is going to do that for you, especially those children who aren’t getting the right support in school. Helping Children With Dyslexia, confirms a lot I knew. It confirms to me how important it is to never rely on the School Education System. Too many qualified staff told me my son was doing fine. – Ha Ha, how wrong they were. I know so many parents who believe what they are told and their beautiful children slip through the net. Good luck I hope this book makes a difference for you. Not only a great read for a parent, but for those working with Dyslexia In Children.”
Charlotte Brown, Chiswick, London U.K.
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