The Learning Difficulties Directory

Looking for some support? Find it here.

Upon discovering that my child had dyslexia, I felt overwhelmed. Initially I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to for support and help. I literally got on the phone and started ringing anyone who listed the word ‘dyslexia’ to see what they offered.

My frustration soon turned to action as I began to get answers and gather resources and visit specialists who could help me to support and advocate on behalf of my children.

Over the past 11 years, I have met some amazing people who work in this field; in person, over the phone and via email. This has led to the creation of many address books, files of business cards and databases, which I share if anyone asks me.

Every child with learning difficulties is different. No two will ever be the same. Some will have visual difficulties, some auditory processing difficulties, some executive dysfunction, some trouble with phonics and for others phonics won’t help as all…..and we can’t forget the psycho-social issues that can arise when a child is struggling to learn…. And who can you turn to for a diagnosis when the time comes?

So….one day I had a brainwave. Why not create a worldwide Learning Difficulties Service Provider Directory with as many listings as I could, so people could access it to find support when they needed it? Then my husband said to me one morning, when we were brainstorming, we could use Google Maps so people could put in their suburbs and find service providers that operate in close proximity to their homes.

Then came the list of service providers, which grew and grew and grew. You can see that below…and of course the best way to get service providers onto the directory was for them to add themselves. So 10’s of 1000’s of listings later the directory continues to grow.


Oh, and if you have a suggestion for another category, just let me know and I will consider adding it.

This Directory is a free resource for anyone who needs to find support for an individual or tell others about a service they are providing. All listings are approved before they appear on the site, just to keep a check on the spammers out there.

This is a much needed resource that I wish I had when I first discovered my son was struggling to learn. It would have made our lives so much easier. The Learning Difficulties Directory operates as both a directory and a roadmap, listing a multitude of businesses, learning centers, events, doctors, specialists, support groups, teachers and tutors worldwide. You will be happy to know that this is all absolutely free and very easy to use.

Just key in a location or a name of a business or professional and a location pops up.  No fuss or browsing through cluttered search engines ever again…and if you know of a professional who should be listed on this directory, please forward them this blog.

I hope you give this a go.

Wishing you and your child success.

Liz Dunoon

P.S.  If you are a service provider, if you have an event, or if you would like to be added to our Learning Difficulties Service Provider Directory, please click this link for more information.

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