Tech Tools & ICT

Introduction Ghotit “Real Writer and Reader” V5 is the latest version of this simple to use and master, yet very powerful literacy support tool. Separate v...
The C-Pen Reader Pen is a portable handheld assistive technology that helps users with dyslexia or other literacy difficulties, essentially when reading pr...
Grammarly helps students and writers expand their vocabulary and also assists in improving their writing. There are benefits for non-native English writers...
Here’s another amazing resource that raises concerns on how to avoid discrimination for dyslexic employees or would-be employees. Be sure to read the ful...
Hi Will having a diagnosis of a ‘learning disability’ hinder or improve your child’s future prospects? I’ve seen parents almost come to blows over this top...
Yes the time has come… At some point you have to accept that your child needs technology to advance their learning. A necessary evil? If used irresponsibly...
From time to time I get emails from parents and teachers asking me how they can better support a 14 -16 year old who is struggling with their school work. ...
Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia & Print Difficulties: Inclusive Technology Overview Computer software and devices provide solutions for students that have ...
These free dyslexia posters provide knowledge, understanding, inspiration and direction for children and adults with dyslexia. Created by Liz Dunoon, Editor of Dyslexia Daily.
A BRAND NEW WAY to help your child
CATCH UP at school with their
Using colour, symbols, action and fun in 10 short minutes a day?
Presented by Liz Dunoon