Teaching English Prefixes

Children need to be encouraged to use their knowledge of word parts, specifically prefixes, suffixes to pull an unknown word apart and determine its meaning. And just as you don’t try to teach your child every unfamiliar word in a story, it is helpful to focus on learning only the...
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The Australian NDCO Program

NDCO’s are National Disability Coordination Officers who can be found across Australia.They are a national network of officers covering 31 regions across the country. The National Disability Coordinator Officer Program assists people with a disability (that includes dyslexia) to access post-school education and training, and then subsequent employment. Google them...
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Touch Type Read Spell

Touch Type Read Spell – A program to consider for people with learning difficulties/disabilities – UK If you live overseas in the UK you may already know about a program called Touch Type Read Spell (TTRS). I purchased a home licence for my children for TTRS here in Australia and...
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Dyspraxia – What is it?

Dyspraxia is often seen and referred to as generally clumsiness or poor balance. Simply described – it is the inability to perform learned movements accurately. Dr. Robin Pauc of The Carrick Institute, Cape Canaveral, USA is an expert on dyspraxia and many other learning disabilities. She provides a comprehensive explanation...
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What Are The Symptoms of Dyslexia

This article was provided courtesy of Prof. John Stein and the Dyslexia Research Trust About Dyslexia What are the symptoms of Dyslexia? Difficulty learning to read despite normal intelligence, adequate teaching, and parental support. Family history of similar problems. Commoner in males. Childhood ‘milestones'(crawling, walking, speaking, throwing) are often delayed....
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What is Dyscalculia

DYSCALCULIA – Explained simply Every once in a while a really great brochure comes along that is easy to read and is really useful for parents and teachers. This is one of those. I was given a copy of this brochure by a colleague Ann Williams who is studying dyscalculia...
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Autism and Aspergers

Asperger’s Syndrome Provided with the assistance of The University of Newcastle, NSW Australia – You will find more great information sheets on their website. Overview Asperger’s Syndrome or (Asperger’s Disorder) is a neurobiological disorder where there is normal intelligence and language development, but also where there are autistic-like behaviours and...
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