Six DYS words you need to know explained simply

When specialists start to throw terms at us that we don’t understand, it adds to our stress. Not only do we have a child or student who is struggling to learn at school, now we have a whole series of new terms to decipher and remember.

Below are six terms starting with the prefix DYS you need to know…

To keep it simple the prefix DYS just means, a difficulty, with whatever ‘root word’ follows it.

Once you know this, it makes it much easier to understand the whole word.

A neurological condition which makes it difficult for children to learn to read and spell in a formal school environment.

The inability to perform coordinated movements, especially speech with no apparent problem in the muscle or nerve. Dyspraxia can affect both fine and gross motor skills.

The inability to perform the fine motor movements required for handwriting.

A neurological condition which makes it difficult for children to learn mathematical concepts and functions in a formal school environment.


Impaired or abnormal functioning.

1 Comment

  1. Avatar Elizabeth   •  

    Hi! What can we do for Dyslexia when 1on1 ortan gillingham is not working and not effective after 3 years?

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