Introduction Ghotit “Real Writer and Reader” V5 is the latest version of this simple to use and master, yet very powerful literacy support tool. Separate versions for MS Windows and Apple Mac are available. Ghotit Real Writer and Reader, now at Version 5, is a very comprehensive reading and writing...
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The C-Pen Reader Pen is a portable handheld assistive technology that helps users with dyslexia or other literacy difficulties, essentially when reading printed text. The C-Pen is for people with dyslexia or for those who struggle with certain genres of text or who are just poor readers. It will assist those learning to read, people with ESL...
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Grammarly helps students and writers expand their vocabulary and also assists in improving their writing. There are benefits for non-native English writers and ESL students (English as a Second Language) as well. Tertiary students and professional writers use Grammarly to advantage as it assists in spelling and proper use of...
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Here’s another amazing resource that raises concerns on how to avoid discrimination for dyslexic employees or would-be employees. Be sure to read the full article by clicking the link below. How to Avoid Dyslexia Discrimination in the Workplace By Liz Burton It’s estimated by Dyslexia Action that 6.3 million...
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Hi Will having a diagnosis of a ‘learning disability’ hinder or improve your child’s future prospects? I’ve seen parents almost come to blows over this topic….. And others with tears streaming down their faces….. Why? Because labelling a child as dyslexic means by definition that your child has a ‘learning...
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Yes the time has come… At some point you have to accept that your child needs technology to advance their learning. A necessary evil? If used irresponsibly, it can have negative effects, but… …for learning, it needs to be embraced. Reading, spelling and writing are vital areas where the “right”...
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From time to time I get emails from parents and teachers asking me how they can better support a 14 -16 year old who is struggling with their school work. Invariably this leads to the next question…….. How much emphasis should be put on remediating them?…… In other words teaching...
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Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia & Print Difficulties: Inclusive Technology Overview Computer software and devices provide solutions for students that have difficulty reading or accessing text, either electronic (computergenerated) or as hard copy (printed). New and emerging devices including iPod Touch models, iPads, eBook Readers and even Smart Phones and Mobile Phones...
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