Who was your favourite teacher and why?

Yesterday I gave you 19 instructions for your teacher. Today I want to know who is/was your favourite teacher and why? You see not all teachers are created equal. Some are just better at teaching kids who learn differently. Everyone has a favourite teacher. Mine was Mrs Grabowski. She was...
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19 Instructions for my teacher

“The one thing that comes across repeatedly in research on assisting children with school learning difficulties, is that the strategies that teachers employ to help struggling learners invariably benefit all students.” If you were to ask a struggling child for an instruction manual to create the perfect teacher, what would...
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46 sounds your child already knows

When we speak the English language, we use a combination of the many sounds the letters of the alphabet make. I use spoken language to help children to identify how to recognize these sounds in the words. “The English language has 26 letters A-Z, but these letters or combinations of...
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