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Memory and Cognition

Executive Dysfunction

Are You A Visual Learner?

If so you may use words and phrases like See Look View Appear Show me Appraise I saw that I can visualize that It just dawned on me Reveal the answer I can envision that I can see that happening Illuminate Let me draw a picture of that I’ll take a photo with my camera… Read More »

Symptoms of Dyscalculia

This symptom list is from “” Normal or accelerated language acquisition: verbal, reading, writing. Poetic ability. Good visual memory for the printed word. Good in the areas of science (until a level requiring higher math skills is reached), geometry (figures with logic not formulas), and creative arts. Mistaken recollection of names. Poor name/face retrieval. Substitute… Read More »

Anxiety and Depression caused by a Learning Difficulty

Beyond Blue is an amazing Australian website filled with practical advice and solutions for children, teens and adults struggling with anxiety and depression. Here is a link below to their page on Youth. If you believe your child’s needs some assistance in this area please seek help early. Speak to your medical doctor. You may… Read More »

Dyslexia Indicators For Working Adults

Here are some indicators for adults with dyslexia. You may not have all of these traits and some of your traits may not be listed, but no doubt you will see some similarities. At work, do you Work at a job that won’t emphasise your literacy difficulties or where you aren’t required to read and… Read More »

Superior Physical Ability a ‘Gift’ of Dyslexia

Ottawa’s Shaylyn Hewton, 13, is a nationally ranked swimmer. She is also dyslexic and takes out her stress in the pool. The list of accomplished dyslexics is long and distinguished and includes basketballer, Michael Jordan, Boxer, Muhammad Ali, racing car driver, Sir Jackie Stewart, and golfer, Adam Scott. All these high achievers are dyslexic. And… Read More »

Told Dyslexia Would Prevent Him Being a Teacher, Now Beverley Grammar School’s Edward Vickerman is Judging at National Teaching Awards

Beverley Grammar School assistant headteacher, Edward Vickerman was told he would never achieve his dream of becoming a teacher because of his dyslexia. Mr Vickerman is proud to be a judge for this month’s annual awards, after scooping the outstanding new teacher title four years ago. The 30-year-old, who joined Beverley Grammar School as an… Read More »

Perusing Harry Potter for science? Scans show brain activity as readers get caught in a story

WASHINGTON – Reading about Harry Potter’s adventures learning to fly his broomstick activates some of the some of the same regions in the brain we use to perceive real people’s actions and intentions. In a novel study, scientists who peeked into the brains of people caught up in a good book emerged with maps of… Read More »

London or bust: 10yo dyslexic Brisbane author uses crowdfunding to take work to world

A 10-year-old dyslexic Brisbane boy has raised money through crowdfunding to travel to the London Book Fair. Author Aedan Lias has self-published eight books despite having dyslexia, and aims to push his work to publishers in the UK next year. The Brisbane boy began fundraising on crowdfunding site Pozzible over a month ago, setting out… Read More »

The Advantages of Being Dyslexic

Strengths of Dyslexia When someone mentions the word “Dyslexia” people usually think of someone who finds it hard to read and spell, reverses their letters, are disorganised or forgetful. What they don’t think about are the advantages that dyslexics have over non-dyslexics Specific Strengths Research has highlighted some positive aspects to being dyslexic: Great at… Read More »

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

The following are symptoms of dyslexia. A person does not have to have all symptoms to be dyslexic and likewise a person having one or two of these symptoms isn’t necessarily dyslexic. I have ordered the symptoms into ages to help you relate to difficulties you may have experienced when you were younger. However symptoms… Read More »

Dyslexia FAQ

Dyslexia – Frequently Asked Questions What Does Dyslexia Mean? “Dyslexia” literally means ‘difficulty with words’ (from the Greek dys = difficulty and lexis = language/ word). In some countries like Australia, dyslexia is frequently referred to as a ‘specific learning difficulty’ (SLD) which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. How do… Read More »

Victoria State Election: Labor Promises Help for Students with Autism and Dyslexia

Children with dyslexia and autism could receive assistance at Victorian schools for the first time under an Andrews government, with Labor to announce it would review the controversial funding system. A Labor government would introduce sweeping disability reforms after reports by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and Auditor General revealed the education… Read More »

Understanding your Dyslexia

The Difference is Personal The degree of difficulty a dyslexic person has with reading, spelling, and/or speaking varies from person to person apparently due to inherited differences in brain development, as well as the type of teaching the person receives. The brain is normal, often very “intelligent,” but with strengths in areas other than the… Read More »

All rights reserved © Transformation Trust. Dyslexia support including: what is dyslexia, dyslexia test, dyslexia symptoms, reading and spelling
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